The value of exercises performed on the rings should not be underrated. Using gymnastics rings is not the same as when you’re using bar, this type of workout is way more demanding and what comes with that- more rewarding! If you’re looking for a real body control and proper stabilization muscles development – Our Rings program is the way to go
The ultimate goal of Rings program despite of getting you from a total beginner to advanced along with teaching you the proper form and technique, is to let you achieve stunning skills! After preparing your muscles, tendons and joints in beginner phase you will be given an opportunity to work towards advanced calisthenics skills with the exercises matched to your level – do not worry we cover it all! If you want to achieve skills such as Muscle Up, Back Lever, L-sit, Front Lever and more our program is a great choice!
If you want to make true progress and not suffer from injuries after each gymnastic rings workout, you should get some preparation. The first phase of our program will teach you how to activate stabilization muscles, show you the techniques of proper grip and most importantly will teach you many beginner calisthenics exercises that will let you master the basics before moving to intermediate program
In this phase of program we will focus on implementing some basic calisthenics skills progressions that you will be supposed to perform on the rings. Keep in mind that rings workouts cannot be compared to bar workout and it’s going to be more challenging! While working on calisthenics skills you will be still working on proper stabilization and strengthening your weak points.
Last Phase of program is for elite calisthenics athletes who succeeded with two previous chapters – Beginner and Intermediate. This level will be real challenge during which we will work towards really advanced calisthenics skills such as Back Lever, Muscle up, Front Lever and more! After fulfilling this program, you will be able to execute most of the calisthenics exercises performed on rings in perfect form!
- Introduction to rings– joints flexibility, mobility – How to test it and improve
- Strengthening for rings– Exercises to prepare your body, joints and tendons for
heavy load - Perfect form of Rings– Explanation on how to achieve the proper body
aligment, mistakes and how to correct them - Ringsbalance tricks – Favorite list of tips to change your rings game and
learn how to balance it - Rings mobility – Which muscles cause lack of mobility in your joints and won’t
let you achieve perfect form of rings and how to fix it. List of exercises
presented - TOP 5 common mistakes in rings and how to correct them.
- Over 10 additional rings exercises to become a master of rings.
- How to train rings, frequency, methods and basics of programming.
- 8 explanation videos and 23 pages of Rings E-book
Get Rings Program
for $70!
Become a Lord of the Rings